PREPARATION BOOK: The Spirit of Truth, chapter 72 – Without Idolatry; cap. 20 Contrasts
Specific Objectives
Explain that Jesus’s teachings were mixed, as well as his person, with the mythic and mystic contents in his time and also in the following centuries.
Explain yet that his teachings were nearly deconstructed and then adjusted to the churches interests. The higher Spirits never condemned or anathematized men for their mistakes, but they always provided them opportunities of compensation and understanding the truly Jesus’s teachings either for the frequency of the missionaries of the Good that have came to the Earth or for the progress of human ideas when offering knowledge and religious experience.
Develop and justify why Jesus image was destroyed by the myth originated by men ideas. The Spiritist Philosophy brings Him back to make us think of our own destination by His Way, His Truth and His Life.
Think deeply about the proposal of Spiritist Philosophy that anticipates the process of Jesus Christ’s demysthification and guiding human beings to understand their own religiosity in Spirit and Truth without any mythical representations; if one day those ideas were used by the beings to better understand themselves and their spirituality, today they enclosed them with symbology, legends to scape from themselves and the existential queries that have tormented them.
The Mythical Epic of Christianity
Revision of Christianity – JHPires
After Death – Léon Denis
Christianity and Spiritism – Léon Denis
Revision of Christianity – JHPires
Christianity, the forgotten message – Hermínio C. Miranda
SB – questions from 100 to 113 and 625
Spiritist Studies – Joanna de Ângelis Spirit /D.P.Franco
The Consoler Emmanuel / F.C. Xavier
The Mystery of the Good and Evil – J.H.Pires
Recommended Bibliography
Man Spiritual Development according to Spiritist Doctrine – JHPires
The Corner of Stone – Wallace L. Rodrigues (completed)
Man and his Symbols – Carl Gustav Jung
The Hero Within – Carol S. Pearson – Chapter 5, The Martyr;
The Masks of God (Western Mythology) – Joseph Campbell.
“Historical” Jesus has been investigated by western and eastern Universities in all times. For the scientists, Jesus is unknown, therefore they recognize His moral superiority but they have doubted about His true nature. He is accepted and denied at the same time but he has an unquestionable power of attraction on all beings. There have been many attempts to destroy His image and messages throughout the centuries, but He remains incontestable, unchanged to all theological aggressions, dogmas and concepts which He has suffered.
Jesus is about to be discovered still. Any psychological concept cannot define his divine psyche, gifted with high virtues which are not been realized by any men. His power of attraction is so great that it keeps himself above the doubts, the earthly researches, merely humans.
And so it will be until we decide to look for Him in Spirit and Truth, accepting His tender submission, going around His charity but at the same time experimenting it as the good samaritan did; offering a little about the love we are gifted to our neighbors; eventually appearing in His presence as little children who are waiting for His magical touch which shows us our true nature, made not only of ascension tears, but of bright stars, clear and pure as the finest crystal…
Please watch the fiction “The Body”, about an archeological finding of the mortal remains of Jesus in Israel – utopia, fiction or possibility? We will discuss about the possible impacts in religions, spiritual and social actions and in politics nowadays and the spiritist alternative to this theme.