Início 18. Old Christians in the Spiritist Work

18. Old Christians in the Spiritist Work

Preparation Book: The Spirit of Truth, chapter 68 – Decisive Evidences, chapter 86 – The New Samaritans, chapter 96 – Be Compassionate

Specific Objectives

Please explain in details the roots of the presence of the old Christans composing the Phalanx of the Spirit of Truth: examples, renunciation and love in favor of Christ.

Please demystify their personality, once Spiritism shows there are no Saints, but immortal Spirits that with their constancy, awareness and christian experiences  are able to their missions with their love and intelligence. They left behind us their remarkable presence, a light path to be followed, amid dark ignorance and violence over time.

Please emphasize that in the vast Spiritist work it was highlighted just some citations of each Old Christians mentioned here; the student will be able to exercise the research if he wants to be deepen.

Research the biography of each one indicated in the Program.

Old Christians in the Spiritist Work

Introductory Bibliography


Spiritist Magazine – 1866, July

Mediumship of the Saints – Clóvis Tavares

Paul and Stephen – Emmanuel/ F.C. Xavier

Paul of Tarsus – Life and Epistles

Bibliography 1

Participation of Paul of Tarsus in the following Works: SB; GAS

About Paulo de Tarso:

The Mystery of Good and Evil – J.H. Pires

Spiritist Magazine, 1863

Christianism, the Forgotten Message – Hermínio C.Miranda

Spiritist View of the Bible – J.H.Pires

Recommended Bibliography

To the Ephesians – L.Palhano Jr.

To the Galatians – L.Palhano Jr.

Paul of Tarsus – Huberto Rohden

Hail Christ – Emmanuel / F.C. Xavier

Bibliography 2

John, apostle and evangelist

Participation in the following passages: GAS; GE

Erastus (Paul of Tarsus’ disciple)

Participation in  the following passages: MB; GAS:


Participation in the following passages: GAS; Spiritist Magazine, February 1862, October 1863


Reincarnations of this Spirit revealed in the following books:

Seedbed of Light, Spirit Neio Lúcio, psychography Chico Xavier, org. Wanda A. Joviano

Participation in the following books: GAS – Chapter XI, item 11

Recommended Bibliography

Spiritist Travel in 1862 – Allan Kardec, Preface of Translator (Lyon, city of the Christian Martyrs)


Peter (Holy Bible Collection, with Omar Shariff);

Peter and Paul, Courage and Faith (Anthony Hopkins);

The Apocalypse (Holy Bible Collection, with Richard Harris).

INTERACTIVE ACTIVITIES: Prepare a group or individual paper about the presence of other personalities in the Spiritist Doctrine: choose some (not more than 3), research their biography and what exactly their testimony and teaching were indicated .

Class 19