Início 22. Teacher Denizard H.L.Rivail, Allan Kardec

22. Teacher Denizard H.L.Rivail, Allan Kardec

Preparation Book: The Spirit of Truth, chapter 78 – In the Exaltation of Love

Specific Objectives

Explain that Allan Kardec, as an educator, had great importance in the organization of all the Spiritist Doctrine; his critical spirit guaranteed the practical connections needed to our improvement until nowadays.

Teacher Denizard H.L.Rivail, Allan Kardec


Allan Kardec, Life and Work – André Moreil;

Allan Kardec, the Educator – Zeus Wantuil and Francisco Thiesen (biography);

Allan Kardec, The Reincarnated Druid – Eduardo Carvalho Monteiro.


John Huss;

The Spiritism – from Kardec to Nowadays (FEB).

INTERACTIVE ACTIVITIES: Work on the main aspects of Allan Kardec’s biography and bring them to the Class.

Class 23