Preparation Book: Itinerary, Emmanuel/Chico Xavier – Item 22, Spiritism Nowadays
Specific Objectives
It is important to demonstrate that, in the ancient times, Paul the Apostle’s written Work deserved special attention and updating concepts by Emmanuel as well as the apostle himself, all included in Kardec’s Work.
Clarify that Paul as well as Emmanuel demonstrate straight relationship between them and also with Jesus’ teachings.
Emphasize some topics from Paul’s Epistles and work on them together with the given Bibliography.
Paul the Apostle’s Epistles revisited by Emmanuel
Emmanuel searches and explains several aspects from Paul’s Epistles as they are rich of information but above all they contain ethic-moral formation – Emmanuel uses some Spiritist principles that Paul intended to work on much time later in Kardec’s Work, mainly in The Gospel According to Spiritism in signed messages by himself.
(1) The New Testament (Jerusalem Bible Edition, from the École Biblique de Jerusalem);
(2) The Gospel According to Spiritism (J.Herculano Pires translation in Portuguese or J.A.A. Duncan translation in English);
(3) Words of Eternal Life – Emmanuel / Chico Xavier;
(4) Living Source – Emmanuel / Chico Xavier;
Additional Bibliography
Harvest of Light – Emmanuel / Chico Xavier, chapter 36, Civilization and Kingdom of God
DVDs (historical aspects mentioned in biblical films)
Paul the Apostle (several versions)
DIALOG: STUDY AND PRACTICE based on the resources offered by this class and bibliography. Watch “FILOSOFANDO” program in TV Mundo Maior/You Tube channel, as suggested.