Início 3. Spiritism and spiritualism

3. Spiritism and spiritualism

Preparation Book : The Spirit of Truth, chapter 18,  Spiritism asks.

Specific Objectives

Nowadays there are still ambiguous interpretations related to the subject of this class;

Please ELUCIDATE, according to the Bibliography that Spiritism is the last phase of human spiritualization process based on Faith that enlightens and in reason.that shows the way.


SB – WS – MB

Spiritism and the Spiritualist Doctrines – Deolindo Amorim

Recommended Bibliography

Article “Polysemies in Spiritism”, by Aécio Pereira Chagas


Series: History of the Religions (3 DVDs – Europe Collection) – Disc 3, Shintoism, Buddhism and Confucianism

Interactive Activities

The 3 Ways of Hecate – J.Herculano Pires


Class 4