Preparation Book: The Spirit of Truth, chapter 48, Reborn and “redie”

Specific  Objectives

Develop in this class the following concepts: the sacred is the common source where all the traditions and spiritual experiences have been based and many of them are systematized in mythical or mystic religion format. They have been transmitted from one generation to another through rituals, symbols and practices which forms a universe of meaningful beliefs and values, whose power give eternity to the evanescence of existence.

Therefore, Spiritist Philosophy even without breaking the natural mystic of the human being who projects himself in the interexistence, it  opens perspectives as it gives us the understanding of our own intelectual and moral process, based on Reason and Faith.

The Spiritism allows demystification of human concepts which have been immovable through time, it also gives him liberty of though,  it makes human beings responsible for their own thoughts and atitudes becoming them participant of the creation. (This class is linked to the Specific Objectives of “From Myth to Reason in Spiritualism”/ Spiritist Philosophy of Spiritist Philosophical Studies Project).

Cultural Horizons I


(1) Spirit through Time – JHPires,

(2) Mythology – Wilkinson & Philip

(3) GE

Additional Bibliography

The Origins and History of Religions – John Murphy

Recommended Bibliography

The World of Bible – Paulinas Publisher


Interactive Activities

GROUPS OF DIALOG: STUDY AND PRACTICE based on the book “The 3 Ways of Hecate” – JHPires

Class 9