Preparation Book: The Spirit of Truth, chapter 67-Mediumship and Jesus
Specific Objectives
Please show that this special and rich class about Jesus life together with His apostles and followers, is a broad source, not only of reliable information brought by the Spirits researchers and scholars of Christian history, but also put the mediumship, hallowed by Spiritism, as one of the most trustworthy research tools about the facts in the past.
Please highlight the fact that those mediums involved in this time of Spiritism had had with them the loyalty stamp of spiritist mediumship, ethic in its essence. Day will come that mediumship, balanced by moral sense highly developed, shall unveil to humanity the contents of its own History, without politics or dogmatic interpretations and interpolations.
Please explain that spiritist mediumship, when studied, analysed and seen without subordinate interests, certainly will become a powerful element which reveals universal questions which took place in the past, explaining the present and creating possibilities of discernment related to the human future.
Please clarify that the texts, when duly studied, although suggested to be used in class, may and should be read and studied in full.
Facts of Jesus life by means of spiritist mediumship
The spiritist mediumship started a new era: the exchange of living human beings in apparent opposite dimensions. The emptiness of death does not exist anymore, it is discovered that there is intense life out of our sensory perceptions. Plato and his world of ideas is now consistente; all the inhabitants of the myth of the cave leave it without fear in search of the Truth; we continue to live with all of our achievements or pain.
The Spiritism was responsible for creating tools to demystify the mediumship, the communication with Spirits and to know the “places” where they live temporarily. The spiritual world was unveiled. We can know it now, we can release from it.
Instructions of Allan Kardec to the Spiritist Moviment – Spiritist Magazine, November 1859
Selected texts from the books of Emmanuel, Humberto de Campos, Cneio Lucius, Amélia Rodrigues, Joanna de Àngelis, Léon Tolstoi and also:
Two Thousand Years Ago – Emmanuel/F.C.Xavier
Good News – H. de Campos/ F.C. Xavier;
Lazarus Reborn – H. de Campos / F.C. Xavier;
Jesus at Home – Cneio Lucius/F.C.Xavier;
After the Storm – Angelis/D.P.Franco;
Preliminaries of the Kingdom of Heaven – A.Rodrigues/D.P.Franco
When Spring return – A.Rodrigues/D.P.Franco
Fortunate Days – A.Rodrigues/D.P.Franco
Until the end of the times – A.Rodrigues/D.P.Franco
Resurrection – Léon Tolstoi/Y.A. Pereira, Chapter 5 – The Anonymous Disciple
Research three texts among the books above, sumarize them and bring them to discuss in class.