Specific Objectives
Emphasize the importance of the Spirit’s progress in the reincarnations, which above all, lead to the Greater Good: the understanding that happiness on Earth, to be present in human life, requires the maintenance of virtues and intellect and moral values, according to the teachings of Jesus. (STS)
Spiritist Philosophy of Existence
It does not limit the existence in the world, as a phenomenal fact, but (…) illuminates the obscure problems of Existentialism (...)
admitting interexistence in other dimensions of life. (JHP)
Spiritist Philosophy
The Man in the Way of Truth; Spiritist Philosophy of Existence, Philosophy of Spirit
Spiritist Religiosity
The epic myth of Christianity; New meanings of Jesus of Nazareth’s message: Faith and Reason; Perfection; Religion in Spirit and Truth
Spiritist Science
Cultural Horizons: mediumship in the current context of evolution