Preparation Book: The Spirit of Truth, chapter 14, The wall of time
Specific Objectives
Work on the meaning of Mythology, which is the basis for all religions; demonstrate that Spiritist Philosophy goes to the core of Jesus’s thought and explains the moments which represent the external manifestations of God and criation’s worship in the human pathway.
(1) Mythology – Wikinson & Philip
(2) SB; G
Additional Bibliography
Philosophy Dictionary – Nicola Abbagnano
God’s Masks – Western Mythology – Joseph Campell
Recommended Bibliography
The Universe, The Gods, The Men – Jean Pierre Vernant
Wisdom of the Greek Myths – Luc Ferry
The Power of Myth – Joseph Campbell
Clash of Titans (1981 production -Ray Harryhausen)
Interactive Activities
DIALOG IN GROUPS: STUDY AND PRACTICE based on the provided resources by the Class and Bibliography; see text class 15th in the blog