Início Sem categoria 10. Fundamental Issues in Philosophy / Basic Principles on Spiritism

10. Fundamental Issues in Philosophy / Basic Principles on Spiritism


General Objectives
This lesson aims to clarify that:
1) The magna issues that afflicted the human being in search of knowledge are the same in all ages;
2) Of mythical justifications that led to mythology and from this to humanized religions, Spiritualism, in a calm and logical way, exposes the mature reflection, the principles that guide the civilization of the Spirit, eternal and immutable in themselves, because they belong to the Divine Law. They are not tied to the theological significance because transcend humanity, describing science as a science of the spirit, philosophy as a means of reflective and investigative of the Spirit and religion as a path to true religiosity, manifested in Spirit and Truth.
It was, indeed, by the admiration of the men today, as well as earlier, were taken to philosophize, being first wonder at the simple problems, and then progressing, bit by bit, to bigger problems. (Metaphysics – Aristotle).

What are the major philosophical problems that leave us intrigued and that the great philosophers of all times sought to respond?
1) What is the nature of the Universe?
2) What is the nature of God?
3) Soul and Immortality
4) Is There Truth?
5) Spirit and Matter
6) Good and Evil
7) Fate and Free Will


Basic Principles
We can see Spiritualism, symbolized as a triangle of spiritual forces (EMMANUEL).
The Science and Philosophy link Earth to this symbolic figure, however, Religion is the divine angle that connects to the heaven. In its scientific and philosophical aspects, the doctrine will always be a noble field of human investigations, like other collective movements, of an intellectual nature that aim at the improvement of Mankind. In the religious aspect, however, lies its divine greatness, for being the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus, setting the ultimate renewal of man, to his immense spiritual future. (JHPIRES)

1) Of God
2) The Immortality of the Soul
3) The Plurality of Inhabited Worlds
4) The Plurality of Existence
5) the Communicability of the Spirits

Class 11


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