Início Sem categoria 24. God, Spirit and Matter / René Descartes

24. God, Spirit and Matter / René Descartes


Specific Objectives 

Highlight that “this extraordinary period which developed the study of the classics and the ultimate expression of the arts went through a crisis hitting the traditional concepts and fixed beliefs” (Rossi, 1992).

Highlight that “this extraordinary period which developed the study of the classics and the ultimate expression of the arts went through a crisis hitting the traditional concepts and fixed beliefs” (Rossi, 1992).

God, Spirit and Matter

The Cartesian method, which is rational, can be compared to the Spiritist Doctrine according to Allan Kardec in the Codification, when he recommends using the good sense, choosing to reject nine truths instead of admitting a false theory. (Epistle of Erastus to the spiritualists from Lyon, Spiritist Magazine, October, 1861). The faith is just unshakeable when it is able to face reason in all ages of mankind.

Modern Philosophy (XVII to XVIII century) – Period of Transition: XV to XVII century.

Philosopher Rene Descartes (1596 – 1650)

Characteristics: four main historical factors can be attributed to the origin, sometimes in a contradictory way, the Modern Philosophy, as well as the influence of its emergence and development: a century Renaissance humanism from XV century, the discovery of theNew World(1492), Protestant Reformation from XVI century and the scientific revolution of XVII century. Other factors also influenced the new model: the development of the economic market surpassing the feudal economy, and the emergence and consolidation of the national States (Spain,Portugal,Netherlands,Englandand France).

But there is a need of considering the period as a transition process, since traditionalist conceptions remain in force still in XVI and XVII centuries, and parts of Europe are under feudalism in that period.

Currently, the Renaissance is seen as having its own identity, developing a specific conception of  philosophy and the style of philosophizing that breaks with the Medieval Scholastics. On the other hand it doe not get confused with the modern philosophy (XVII century). The most important characteristic of this period is the humanism that has a decisive influence on the new thought.






Class 25



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