Início Sem categoria 17. Socrates and Plato, precursors of Christianism and Spiritism

17. Socrates and Plato, precursors of Christianism and Spiritism



Specific Objectives

Care for self-improvement through the knowledge of oneself: seeking to be better and better before the required effort. (Apology – Socrates).

Clarify that the Spiritist Philosophy, understood in spirit and truth, pervades our whole outlook on life, broadening horizons, changing the way we view the circumstantial, shifting us from the common sense because it makes us see beyond it. Emphasize that Socrates and Plato took part in the phalanx of the Spirit of Truth.

When incarnate in those personalities, they paved the way for the development of reason on moral grounds, while revealing the reality of spiritual existence with the language and the resources used at that time. Socrates’s thought leads this class with the first fundamentals of the concept that later will lay the foundation of morale. As its founder, he signals within the Codification with this approach, which permeates all the spirit work.

Highlight the ethical and humanistic characteristics present in this class, establishing deep connections with the Spiritist Philosophy.

Define the phases of the knowledge developed by Socrates: irony, maieutics concept. (STS)

The Oracle put Socrates in the way of his vocation: taught men the truth. (…), tried to encourage them to be concerned primarily with the interests of their soul, sought to acquire wisdom and virtue. (JHP)

Class 18



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